Configurators: Explore which Coriolis flowmeter solution fits your process

Mike Edwards   

Features configurator Coriolis flowmeter video Yokogawa

RotaMASS Total Insight (TI) is the Yokogawa Coriolis mass flowmeter said to provide very high accuracy for measuring liquids and gases.

In the last decade, the use of Coriolis flow meters has been changing from general-purpose to supporting very specific applications. RotaMASS Total Insight (TI) is the Yokogawa Coriolis mass flowmeter said to provide very high accuracy for measuring liquids and gases.

From the direct mass flow, density, temperature measurements, with RotaMASS TI, you can calculate:

  • volume flow at operating or reference conditions
  • density at reference conditions
  • concentration measurements of mixable or unmixable fluids
  • with additional measurement input
  • calculate fluid viscosity for Newtonian liquids
  • energy-heating value for gas measurement

Explore which Coriolis flowmeter solution fits your process by using the company’s configurator available here.

Quickly learn more about the features and applications of the RotaMASS TI in this video series of highlights. View brochure here.

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