Calibration uncertainty for non-mathematicians

Mike Edwards   

Features Beamex Calibration measurement SRP control systems

This white paper discusses the basics of uncertainty in measurement and calibration. It is not made for mathematicians or metrology experts, but rather for those of you who are planning and making practical measurements and calibrations in industrial applications.

Being aware of the uncertainty related to the measurement is a very fundamental concept. You should not really make any measurements unless you are aware of the related uncertainty.

Generally speaking, it seems that the awareness and interest of uncertainty is growing, which is great. The uncertainty of measurements can come from various sources, such as the reference measurement device used for making the measurement, from environmental conditions, from the operator making the measurements, and from many others sources.

There are several calibration uncertainty guides, standards and resources available, mostly full of mathematical formulas, so in this article I will try to keep the mathematic formulas to a minimum.


This is a practical guide to gain some general understanding in the great world of uncertainty in measurements and calibrations.

To read more, download the white paper from Beamex here

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